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In 1309, when the Knights Hospitaller took Rhodes, the Byzantine town consisted of two fortified enclaves. The older Kastro, on higher ground to the north, controlled two active harbours: the ʽgreat harbourʼ to the east and Mandraki further north. The Chora to the south was the later enclave, which evolved in the 12th and 13th centuries according to archaeological evidence. There was also an unprotected neighbourhood by the great harbour, which was pillaged by Genoese corsairs in 1192. The oldest Hospitaller heraldry on the fortifications of Rhodes represents the master Helion de Villeneuve (1319-46). It is mounted above a gate which led to the sea through the new wall built by Villeneuve to protect the harbour neighbourhood.
This gate is located in modern Ermou St., at the junction of the new wall to the Byzantine tower of the southeastern corner of the Kastro. It has recently been identified with the Castellania Gate mentioned by medieval documents: the Castellania (headquarters of the castellan of Rhodes) was located at the southeast corner of the Kastro, behind this Byzantine tower. The machicolation above the gate is still in place above the arms of the Order, flanked by the shields of Villeneuve on the left and of grand master Giovan-Battista degli Orsini (1467-76) on the right. The latter strengthened the defences of this area but preserved the arms of his predecessor out of respect.
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