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The Gate of St. Anthony is the last segment in the complicated array of defensive structures protecting the entrance to the medieval town from the northwest. Its dedication is due to the fact that it led to the Hospitaller cemetery of St. Anthony that existed outside the town, about 800 metres to the north, approximately on the site of the Ottoman cemetery of Murad Reis.
The gate pierces the short northern section of the new town wall built by grand master Lastic (1437-54) which, after 96 metres, turns southwards and was defended by the Knights of the German tongue in 1522. The opening is 3.5 metres wide, and the maximum height of the arch 3.6 metres. It was secured by a portcullis and was separated from the embankment of Lastic by a narrow ditch crossed by a small bridge that was later fortified.
A half-length cowled relief of saint Anthony in red marble is set above the gate, much worn now, with shields of the Order and the grand master inset with red and white marble below it. The gate was covered by the Cannon Gate, just 17 metres eastwards, which still gives access to the curtain wallwalk from the Palace courtyard. The defensive importance of the Gate of St. Anthony was reduced after the development of advance works in the area by grand masters Aubusson and Amboise.
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