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The raw recruits of the Order were colloquially called ʽArnaldiʼ. Arriving at Rhodes from the West they passed through this gate to reach the Kastro, where the Knights lived. It has recently been suggested that Arnaldi was another name for the Castellania Gate. However, it is more likely that the Arnaldi Gate is the postern piercing the advance wall on the north side of a tower dated to the period of Aragonese grand master Juan Fernandez Heredia (1377-96). This led from the harbour through the advance wall of the 14th-century curtain to the nearby old (Byzantine) sea-gate of the Kastro. A marble slab over the gate displays the outlines of three defaced heraldic shields. The practice of defacing heraldic emblems was common during the Ottoman period in Rhodes, particularly those bearing crosses, when they were easily accessible.
In Ottoman times, when the Customs House of Rhodes stood ouside the walls in this area, the gate was also known as the Customs' Gate.
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