
Bastion of Italy (or of Carretto)

The semicircular Bastion of Italy is located at the southeast corner of the medieval fortifications, in the sector defended by the Knights of Italy. It is a work of grand master Fabrizio del Carretto, carried out in 1515-16.

The round tower at the centre of the structure was build between 1445 and 1452 under Lastic and was originally open at the back. At the time it stood in front of the Gate of the Jewish Quarter, otherwise known as the Acandia Gate, which must have been sealed for defensive reasons around 1480 and should not be confused with the modern Acandia Gate. During the first great siege of Hospitaller Rhodes by the Ottoman Turks (1480), heavy bombardment and the ferocious fighting that ensued severely damaged the defences in the area; thus, it is impossible to determine the kind of the early protection of the Tower of Italy- whether a spur or other type of bulwark. Between 1481 and 1489, Aubusson erected a massive angled embankment at a distance of 30 metres southeast of the tower, to protect the derelict zone.

The restoration of the damaged strongpoint, designed by Italian military architect Basilio dalla Scuola, included the reinforcement of the central tower with a masonry cladding that doubled its diameter. The round bastion surrounding it stops at the advance-wall; but no ditch separates the two as is the case with the Bastions of Auvergne, England and St. John and the Bulwark of Spain. The Bastion of Italy contains a ring-shaped battery at moat level. The platform of the bulwark and the roof of the tower are protected by strong parapets with embrasures for heavy artillery. A ravelin extends between the east side of the bastion and the west edge of the Aubusson Embankment.

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